10 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere for a Full-Body Workout

05 Jan 2023

10 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere for a Full-Body Workout

Stuck at home or traveling and don't have access to a gym? No problem – there are plenty of exercises you can do anywhere to get a full-body workout. Here are 10 exercises to try:

  1. Push-ups: This classic exercise works your chest, triceps, and core. To modify, you can do push-ups on your knees or against a wall.

  2. Squats: Squats are great for strengthening your legs and core. To make it more challenging, you can add in dumbbells or a barbell.

  3. Lunges: Lunges work your legs and glutes, and can be done with or without weights. Try forward lunges, reverse lunges, or lateral lunges to mix things up.

  4. Planks: Planks are great for strengthening your core, and can be done in a variety of positions (such as on your forearms or side plank).

  5. Burpees: Burpees are a full-body exercise that works your chest, legs, and core. They can be modified by skipping the jump at the end or doing a step-back instead of a jump.

  6. Sit-ups: Sit-ups work your abdominal muscles and can be done with or without added resistance.

  7. Mountain climbers: This exercise works your arms, legs, and core, and can be modified by keeping your feet on the ground instead of in the air.

  8. Dips: Dips can be done using a bench, chair, or even the edge of a bed. They work your triceps and can be modified by bending your legs and keeping your feet on the ground.

  9. Jumping jacks: This cardiovascular exercise works your legs and arms, and can be modified by doing a marching motion instead of a jump.

  10. High knees: This cardio exercise works your legs and can be done in place or by running in place.

By incorporating a variety of these exercises into your routine, you can get a full-body workout anywhere, anytime. Remember to start at a level that is appropriate for you and work your way up as you become more comfortable and strong.